February 22, 2025

The Needham Channel

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FY18 School Budget Online

If you attended or watched the School Committee meeting on Tuesday, January 17th, you know that the School Budget Proposal for FY18 was presented by Superintendent Gutekanst.  The bottom line is that the proposal is $3.63 million above what was submitted for FY17, an increase of 5.57%.  In context, the reason for those increases breaks down to several factors:  contractural salary increases, the growing enrollment and class size, increased special education costs and targeted program improvements. For a summary of the proposal, you can log onto the Superintendent’s blog here: http://npssuperintendent.blogspot.com You can view the entire Powerpoint presentation from the January 17th School Committee here: http://rwd1.needham.k12.ma.us/finance/documents/FY18%20Budget%20Hearing%201-17-17.pdf