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Zoning Board of Appeals, 1/21/16

The Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on January 21, 2016 is available for viewing online:


Minutes: Review and approve minutes from December 17, 2015 meeting.

Case #1 – 49 Wachusett Road
An appeal of the Building Inspector’s decision to the Board of Appeals regarding the reduction of the number of stories of a single-family house under construction.

Case #2 – 154 Dedham Avenue
An application was made to the Board of Appeals for a Special Permit to add a third overhead garage door on a to be newly constructed home.

Case #3 – 1191 Greendale Avenue
The owner has applied to the Board of Appeals to Appeal seeking relief from the maximum height above finished grade of 40 feet to a height of 45.5 feet; and from the denial of any special permit also sought for this project to allow the Applicant to expand its existing gymnasium by approximately 52,240 square feet (for a total square footage of approximately 81,032 square feet) and to modify the West parking lot adjacent to the gymnasium and administration building to add 13 additional parking spaces (for a total of 50 parking spaces).

Case #4 -1191 Greendale Avenue
The owner has applied to the Board of Appeals for Special Permits to expand its existing gymnasium by approximately 52,240 square feet (for a total square footage of approximately 81,032 square feet) and to modify the West parking lot adjacent to the gymnasium and administration building to add 13 additional parking spaces (for a total of 50 parking spaces). The Applicant is seeking special permits to waive strict adherence to the number of required parking spaces pursuant to Section 5.1.2 (to allow an aggregate of 336 parking spaces to serve the West and East Campuses) and the parking lot design requirements pursuant to Section 5.1.3(m) (to allow parking on the East Campus and the West Campus to be aggregated for computing parking requirements and waivers) of the Zoning By-law.

Case #5 – 19 Gordon Road
An application was made to the Board of Appeals for a Special Permit to remove a conforming detached garage and to replace same with a new garage attached to an enlarged dwelling where the new structure is non-conforming relative to a side and rear yard setback.

For more Zoning Board meetings, click here!