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Zoning Board of Appeals, 3/23/16

The Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on March 23, 2016 is available for viewing online:


Minutes: Review and approve minutes from February 25, 2016 meeting.

Case #1 – 171 Brookside Road
An application for a special permit has been made, seeking to demolish a pre-existing non-conforming single family dwelling on a non-conforming lot and reconstruct a new non-conforming (as to side and rear setbacks) single family dwelling.

Case #2 – 1361 South Street
A prospective purchaser has applied for a Special Permit to reconstruct a legally non-conforming building; to substitute legally non-conforming uses and structures with six detached residential dwelling units.

Case #3 – 232-260 Chestnut Street
An application has been made to the Board of Appeals for Special Permits to operate a 3,530 square foot restaurant with 104 seats; for more than one non-residential use on a lot; and to waive strict adherence to parking requirements.

Case #4 – 114 Hillside Avenue
A prospective purchaser has applied for a plan substitution and/or further relief pursuant to a prior variance dated October 11, 1955 to demolish a pre-existing two-family dwelling and reconstruct a new two-family dwelling.

For more Zoning Board meetings, click here!