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Zoning Board of Appeals, 6/19/14

The Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on June 19, 2014 is available for viewing online:


Minutes: Review and approve minutes from the May 15, 2014 meeting.

Case #1 – Multiple Sites
The Town is requesting that the Board of Appeals designate the “Town Manager or his/her designee” and/or “Town or its designee” as the monitoring agent responsible for monitoring and enforcing the continued affordability of units for a number of Chapter 40B comprehensive permit projects.

Case #2 – 345 Brookline Street
Owners applied for a Special Permit to allow an overhang that extends into the setback by less than 10%.

Case #3 – 179 Whitman Road
Owners applied for a Special Permit to construct a second story addition and bay box window, to rebuild landing and a roof, and to reframe existing screen porch roof on a pre-existing, non-conforming structure.

Case #4 – 669 Highland Avenue
Applicant seeks the extension of a Special Permit to allow a lawful pre-existing non-conforming restaurant to operate outdoor seating and waive strict adherence to parking requirements.

Case #5 – 140 Gould Street
A prospective tenant applied for a Special Permit to allow a private school for pilates, yoga and cycling, to allow more than one non-residential use on a lot and to waive adherence with the parking requirements.

Case #6 – 32-34 Pleasant Street continued from 4/24/14
A prospective purchaser applied for a Special Permit to allow the demolition and reconstruction of the lawful non-conforming two family dwelling.

Case #7 – 43 Wexford Street
Applicant seeks transfer of a Special Permit that allows a commercial garage for storage or repair of vehicles.

Case #8 – 150 West Street
Tenant applied for a Special Permit to allow a commercial garage for storage or repair of vehicles; trucking terminal; private parking for compensation; and more than one non-residential building or use on a lot in connection with the operation of a vehicle towing company, and to waive adherence with the off-street parking and design requirements.

For more Zoning Board meetings, click here!