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Zoning Board of Appeals, 2/27/14

The Zoning Board of Appeals meeting held on February 27, 2014 is available for viewing online:


Minutes: Review and approve minutes from the January 30, 2014 meeting. Informal Matter – 900 Greendale Village Setback waiver and condition modification.

Case #1 – 50 Central Avenue continued from January 30, 2014
The prospective tenant have applied for a Special Permit to renovate an existing commercial building for the purpose of a small grocery and convenience store with an accessory food take-out counter and accessory sales of ice cream and related products.

Case #2 – 84 Whittier Road
The owners seek a Special Permit to construct a detached two- car garage. Currently, parking for one car is located within the primary structure, which would remain.

Case #3 – 74 Hillcrest Road
The prospective buyers seek a Special Permit to construct a second story addition and to lift the house to in order to construct a full basement on a pre-existing, non-conforming lot.

Case #4 – 27 Curve Street continued from January 30, 2014
A prospective purchaser has applied for a Special Permit to to allow a substitution of a non-conforming use to construct a single three-unit residential building.

Case #5 – 355R Chestnut Street
The owner seeks a Special Permit to replace four 20,000 gallon underground storage tanks with three 10,000 gallon aboveground storage tanks and related concrete pad, containment dike and canopy.

Case #6 – 18 Maple Terrace
The owner seeks a Special Permit to permit the extension of a pre-existing non-conforming building in order to allow an addition on to the main house.

For more Zoning Board meetings, click here!